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Thermostat Settings

Thermostat Settings

Having a centralized heating and air conditioning system can be great for keeping your home comfortable throughout the entire year. However, to achieve the optimal temperature that you’re looking for, you need to be able to maneuver the settings on your thermostat. There are a few basic thermostat settings that you need to understand so that you can effectively set your thermostat. Without knowing the thermostat setting, your thermostat may not reach your set temperature. 

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Your digital thermostat will display at least two different temperatures. One of these temperatures is the actual temperature of your home. The second is the desired temperature that you’re able to change whenever your thermostat is in auto or run mode. It will read the desired temperature that you have set and will turn your system on to achieve that desired temperature.
For example, if it’s the middle of summer and you would like your home to be at a cool 76 degrees, you’ll set the temperature on your thermostat to 76 degrees. When you have your thermostat to auto mode, the air conditioner will kick on whenever the temperature in your home gets above your desired temperature of 76 degrees.

On Mode

One of the most basic modes that you can set thermostat to is the ‘on mode.’ This turns on the air handler, which circulates air throughout the ductwork inside of your home. ‘On mode’ is perfect for when you need to freshen up stale air that formed in infrequently used rooms in your home. However, it’s important to realize that when your system is turned to on mode, it will continuously run until you manually shut it off.

Thermostat Auto Mode

One thermostat mode that your system is likely to spend a lot of time in is auto mode. The thermostat auto mode runs based on your desired temperature setting and the actual room temperature.

For example, in the summertime, you may have your thermostat set at 78 degrees. Whenever your thermostat reads that the actual temperature inside of your home is above 78 degrees, it will automatically turn on your air conditioning system. By putting the auto setting on thermostat, your air conditioning system will continue to run until the actual indoor air temperature matches your desired indoor temperature. Putting your thermostat in auto mode can be run in both the heat and cool settings.

Heat/Cool Mode on Thermostat

What does heat and cool mean on thermostat? Two fairly straightforward modes are heat mode and cool mode. You’ll want to have your thermostat set to heat mode in the wintertime and air conditioner auto mode in the summertime. In order for your system to run on auto mode, you’ll need to have either the heat mode or cool mode on. This way, your thermostat knows whether to turn on the furnace or the air conditioner modes.

What Does Run Mean on a Thermostat?

What does run and hold mean on a thermostat? If you’re like most homeowners, you have a smart or programmable thermostat. These types of thermostats allow you to program desired temperatures for every day of the week and each hour throughout those days. This capability can provide you with a massive amount of energy savings as you can optimize system usage for when you’re at home and when you’re away from home.

If you’ve taken advantage of your programmable thermostat, then your thermostat will naturally use run mode. Instead of being in auto mode, which means that your thermostat is changing the temperature based on the one desired temperature that you have programmed into it, the run mode allows your thermostat to work based on the variety of programmed temperatures you have stored in it. Take a look at thermostat run vs hold.

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What Does Hold Mean on Thermostat?

If you’re using a programmable thermostat at your house, it’s likely that the device spends the majority of its time in run mode. While this is great for a normal schedule, it can be a pain when your schedule changes. What does hold mean on a thermostat? Fortunately, hold mode is a great option that allows you to quickly suspend your pre-programmed settings.
When you place your thermostat into hold mode, it switches back to auto mode. This means that you can alter the desired temperature to whatever you would like. Such a capability is great for those times when your schedule runs differently from the norm, and you don’t want to have to mess around with your thermostat settings. Whenever you’re ready to go back to your pre-programmed settings, all you have to do is switch from hold mode to run mode.

HVAC Technician

When you’re looking for a top-quality HVAC professional in the West Deptford area, Campbell Comfort Systems is your one-stop shop. We provide heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services for all of our valued customers. We will answer all your questions about thermostat settings including what does hold mean on a thermostat, what is the difference between a non-programmable thermostat and a programmable thermostat, and other questions you may have. Just give us a call or book online today, and we’ll get help on the way.

